Milan Pizza - Hjørring

0 Bewertungen


  • Margherita

    ab 55,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, 2x cheese
  • Vesuvio

    ab 60,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, ham
  • Pepperoni

    ab 60,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni
  • Hawaii

    ab 65,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, ham, pineapple
  • Referee

    ab 65,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, ham, pepperoni
  • Costa Brava

    ab 65,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, kebab
  • Volcano

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, ham, beef, onion, chili
  • Pollo

    ab 80,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, ham, kebab, mushroom
  • Zorro

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, kebab, mushroom, onion, bell pepper
  • Solo

    ab 70,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, ham, meat sauce, bearnaise sauce
  • Bolognese

    ab 70,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, spaghetti, meat sauce, sausages
  • Monalisa

    ab 80,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, chicken, mushroom, bacon, onion, curry, pineapple
  • Gorgonzola

    ab 80,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, kebab, meat sauce, gorgonzola, onion, olives, garlic
  • Meat Lover

    ab 85,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, ham, sausages, kebab, chicken
  • Vegetar

    ab 80,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, mushroom, onion, pineapple, corn
  • Feedo

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, kebab, chicken, garlic, chili
  • Istanbul

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomatsauce, ost, oksekød, sujuk (tyrkiske pølser), æg, chili
  • Tuna

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, tuna, shrimp, onion, corn, garlic
  • Miro

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, beef, sausages, bacon, egg, chili
  • Alfredo

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni, beef, onion, bacon
  • Egen Pizza

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, select 4 toppings
  • Parmesan

    ab 80,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, chicken, bell pepper, corn, curry, parmesan
  • Græske

    ab 70,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, feta, bell pepper, olives, fresh tomato
  • Amalia

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, meat sauce, pepperoni, sausages, bell pepper
  • Chaplin

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, ham, kebab, bacon, sausages, mushroom
  • Dora

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese, ham, kebab, sausages, chili, garlic

Salad Pizza

  • Salad Pizza

    ab 75,00 kr.
    Select two toppings. With iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomato and sour cream dressing


  • Garlic Bread

    60,00 kr.
    With cheese and garlic

Mexican Pizza

  • Mexico

    ab 80,00 kr.
    With pepperoni, kebab, onion, jalapenos, chili and garlic
  • Amigo

    ab 80,00 kr.
    With chicken, kebab, bell pepper, jalapenos, chili, chili sauce and garlic
  • Puebla Potosi

    ab 80,00 kr.
    With pepperoni, meat sauce, onion, bell pepper, jalapenos and chili sauce

Gourmet Pizza

  • Milan

    ab 80,00 kr.
    With parma ham, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, parmesan cheese, fresh basil and pesto
  • Parma

    ab 80,00 kr.
    With parma ham, mozzarella, onion, tomato slices, olives, fresh basil and pesto
  • Roma

    ab 80,00 kr.
    With parma ham, mozzarella, pineapple, fresh basil and pesto

Calzone Pizza

  • House Special

    75,00 kr.
    With kebab, mushroom, onion, chili and garlic
  • Calzone

    65,00 kr.
    With ham
  • Maria

    70,00 kr.
    With kebab, pepperoni, onion and garlic
  • Torino

    65,00 kr.
    With spaghetti and meat sauce
  • India

    75,00 kr.
    With chicken, pineapple, curry and mushroom

Pizza Sandwich

  • Pizza Sandwich with Parma Ham

    75,00 kr.
    With mozzarella and pesto
  • Pizza Sandwich with Kebab and Chicken

    75,00 kr.
  • Pizza Sandwich with Kebab

    65,00 kr.
  • Pizza Sandwich with Chicken

    65,00 kr.
  • Pizza Sandwich with Ham

    65,00 kr.
  • Pizza Sandwich with Tuna and Corn

    70,00 kr.
  • Pizza Sandwich with Chicken and Bacon

    75,00 kr.
    With garlic


  • Durum Kebab

    60,00 kr.
  • Durum Chicken

    60,00 kr.
  • Durum Mix

    70,00 kr.
    With kebab and chicken
  • Chicken Bacon

    70,00 kr.


Milan Pizza - Hjørring
Norgesvej 32
9800 Hjørring
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:
Wir sind ein professioneller Anbieter. Erfahre mehr darüber, wie wir gemeinsam mit Just Eat die Verbraucherverantwortung übernehmen.


Sonntag, 15. September 2024
Tynd bund - tør pizza Skulle have en pizza med pølser på, fik den uden pølser
Montag, 26. August 2024
I laver gode pizzaer, og jeg kan eftersende drikkepenge.
Montag, 27. Mai 2024
Det tog alt for lang tid og pizza var meget tør
Verified Order
Montag, 01. Januar 2024
Kolde pomfritter. En halv time forsinket
Verified Order
Samstag, 30. Dezember 2023
Maden var kold og leveringen tog 1 time og 45 minutter
Samstag, 16. Dezember 2023
Fik 2 pizza sandwich der var næsten i gen kød deri men derimod masser af salat. Vi bestilte også pommes og der blev tilføjet i kommentar feltet at der kun skulle salat mayo med vi fik et lille bæger hvor remoulade og ketchup var blandet sammen
Verified Order
Sonntag, 12. November 2023
Verified Order
Freitag, 06. Oktober 2023
Pizzaerne var gode (og ligeledes pommes), men det tog 40 minutter at få dem klar. I mailen stod der 10-15 minutter, så det var lidt træls. Men! Maden var fin, så vi overlevede den forlængede ventetid


15:30 - 20:30
15:30 - 20:30
15:30 - 20:30
15:30 - 20:30
15:30 - 20:30
15:30 - 20:30
15:30 - 20:30


Milan Pizza - Hjørring
Norgesvej 32
9800 Hjørring
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:
Wir sind ein professioneller Anbieter. Erfahre mehr darüber, wie wir gemeinsam mit Just Eat die Verbraucherverantwortung übernehmen.