Pizza Time Grillbar

0 Bewertungen


  • Homemade Pita Menu

    125,00 kr.
    With french fries, salad mayonnaise and 0.33 L soda
  • Chicken Burger Menu

    125,00 kr.
    With french fries, salad mayonnaise and 0.33 L soda
  • Homemade Durum Menu

    135,00 kr.
    With french fries, salad mayonnaise and 0.33 L soda
  • Homemade Burger Menu

    125,00 kr.
    With french fries, salad mayonnaise and 0.33 L soda


  • Margherita

    ab 89,00 kr.
    Tomato and cheese
  • Vesuvio

    ab 95,00 kr.
    Tomato and cheese and ham
  • Hawaii

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato and cheese and ham and pineapple
  • Raffinato

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato and cheese and ham and pepperoni
  • Capricciosa

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato and cheese and ham and mushroom
  • Gorgonzola

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, onion, mushrooms and gorgonzola
  • Italiana

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, meat sauce and onion
  • Antonello

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, meat sauce, ham, cocktail sausages and onions
  • Roco

    ab 105,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, kebab, mushrooms, peppers, onions and chili
  • Pollo

    ab 105,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, chicken, peppers, onions, mushrooms and chili
  • Marvo

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, kebab, ham, mushrooms and onions
  • Esmaralda

    ab 105,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, gorgonzola, mushrooms and ham
  • Nario Chorizo

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, cocktail sausages, bacon and onions
  • Diavola

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms and gorgonzola
  • Nordvest

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pepperoni, ham, bacon, kebab, chili and garlic
  • Tina

    ab 105,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pepperoni, peppers and jalapenos
  • Felix Pepperoni

    ab 95,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese and pepperoni
  • Pasqualino

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pepperoni and pineapple
  • Sole

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, bacon, ham, eggs, peppers, chili and garlic
  • Lux Pollo

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, chicken, feta cheese, fried bacon, cherry tomatoes pesto
  • Tonno

    ab 99,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese and tuna
  • Vegetariana Uno

    ab 105,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pineapple, artichoke, olives, mushrooms, peppers and onions
  • Camilla

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, feta cheese, pepperoni, cherry tomato and spinach
  • Lina

    ab 105,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, meatballs, peppers and mushrooms
  • Mix

    ab 115,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, cocktail sausages, ham, bacon and eggs
  • Matador

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, kebab, peppers, mushrooms, onions and béarnaise sauce
  • Husets Pizza

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, chicken, bacon, pineapple and curry
  • Danish Dynamit

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, onion, pepperoni, meatballs, paprika and chili
  • Halal Pepperoni

    ab 104,00 kr.
    Tomato sauce, cheese and halal pepperoni

Mexican Pizza

  • Mexicana

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, meatballs, pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, jalapenos and taco sauce
  • Mexico City

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, chicken, meatballs, bacon, jalapenos and taco sauce
  • Adiyos

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, meat sauce, pepperoni, onion, jalapenos and taco sauce
  • Inca

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pepperoni, kebab, jalapenos, taco sauce and garlic oil
  • Azteka

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, chicken, meatballs, jalapenos, taco sauce and chili

Salad Pizza

  • Kebab Salad Pizza

    ab 105,00 kr.
  • Chicken Salad Pizza

    ab 105,00 kr.
  • Falafel Salad Pizza

    ab 105,00 kr.

New Pizzas

  • Mozzarella

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, fresh mozzarella cheese, parma ham, cherry tomatoes and pesto
  • Parmaskinke Pizza

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, Parma ham, gorgonzola, cherry tomatoes and pesto
  • Spinach Pizza

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, spinach, gorgonzola, chili and garlic
  • Potatos Italia

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, chicken, potato slices, pesto and spinach
  • Pizza Con Patate

    ab 110,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, potato slices, bacon and pesto

Baked Pizza

  • Calzone (Baked)

    95,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese and ham
  • Calzone 2 (Baked)

    99,00 kr.
    Tomato, cheese, spaghetti and meat sauce

Freshly baked Sandwich

  • Mix - Kebab and Chicken Sandwich

    90,00 kr.
  • Kebab Sandwich

    85,00 kr.


Pizza Time Grillbar
Frederiksborgvej 236
2400 København
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:
Wir sind ein professioneller Anbieter. Erfahre mehr darüber, wie wir gemeinsam mit Just Eat die Verbraucherverantwortung übernehmen.


Verified Order
Samstag, 09. November 2024
Mittwoch, 04. September 2024
Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024
Estimate was completly off, and it was already 60+ min from the start which is CRAZY when it’s just pizza. Pizzas were not hot when we got them. Bad experience!
Freitag, 27. Oktober 2023
Ingen stolthed. Burde væk fra Just Eat
Verified Order
Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2023
Samstag, 14. Oktober 2023
Vi fik den forkerte pizza leveret. Vi prøvede at ringe til dem, men de tog den ikke. Da vi endelig fik fat i dem, påstod de, at det var den rigtige pizza, og derefter, at det var et andet pizzaria der havde lavet leveringen. Under al kritik.
Verified Order
Freitag, 25. August 2023
Gode pommes frites. Dog med lidt mange små stykker i bakken. Buffallo cheese burger.. En slags pizzasandwich med 2 bøffer på langs. Anderledes. Ikke dårligt

A little bit about us

Alle pizzaer kan også fås som fuldkornspizza eller Deep Pan Pizza.
Bemærk venligst, at billederne på denne side er vejledende og kan afvige fra det endelige produkt.


15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30
15:30 - 21:30


Pizza Time Grillbar
Frederiksborgvej 236
2400 København
Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:
Wir sind ein professioneller Anbieter. Erfahre mehr darüber, wie wir gemeinsam mit Just Eat die Verbraucherverantwortung übernehmen.