Smagsløget Vesterbrogade

0 Beoordelingen

Combo Meals

  • Sandwich & Drink Combo

    vanaf 116,00 kr.
    1 x Optional original or non meat sandwich + 1 x Optional soda 0.33 l
  • Double sandwich & Drinks Combo

    vanaf 227,00 kr.
    2 x Optional original or non meat sandwiches + 2 x Optional sodas 0.33 l
  • Double Sandwich & Dessert Combo

    vanaf 259,00 kr.
    2 x Optional original or non meat sandwiches + 1 x Optional Ben & Jerry's is 0.4 l.
  • Double Sandwich, Drinks & Dessert Combo

    vanaf 299,00 kr.
    2 x Optional original or non meat sandwiches + 2 x Optional sodas 0.33 l. + 1 x Optional Ben & Jerry's is 0.45 l.
  • Sandwich & Side-order Combo

    vanaf 129,00 kr.
    1 x Optional original or non meat sandwich + 2 x meatballs or 1 double slice of Danish pork roast of Danish pork. Taste onion potato salad, red cabbage, cucumber salad, remoulade etc. as an optional option.
  • Side-order Combo

    70,00 kr.
    2 x Warm meatballs + Taste onion potato salad (large) with salt, pepper, chives and a touch of mustard and lemon. (about 330 g). Red cabbage or cucumber salad from Samsø as a possible option.
  • Ben & Jerry's Dessert Combo

    145,00 kr.
    2 x Optional Ben & Jerry's.

Original sandwiches

  • Smagsløget anbefaler

    109,00 kr.
    With Danish country ham, brie cheese, bacon and homemade salsa. Smeared with sandwich cream. The recommendation! Danish ham, brie cheese, bacon and homemade salsa. Sandwich cream spread
  • Smagsløgets Clubsandwich

    99,00 kr.
    With turkey and bacon. Greased with homemade curry dressing. With sliced ​​turkey and bacon. Homemade curry dressing spread.
  • Smagsløgets tunasandwich

    109,00 kr.
    Homemade tuna salad with paprika, red onion, lemon, salt and pepper. Possibly. topped with emmentaler cheese. The taste buds' tuna sandwich. With paprika, red onions, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Emmentaler cheese by choice
  • Pork roast sandwich

    120,00 kr.
    Pork roast sandwich of Danish pork. Juicy roast pork of Danish pork, pickled cucumbers and red cabbage. Smeared with sandwich cream.
  • Oven-roasted BBQ chicken & prime donna cheese

    120,00 kr.
    With bacon as a topping. Smeared with sandwich cream and guacamole. With oven baked BBQ chicken, bacon & prima donna cheese. Sandwich cream and guacamole spread.
  • Oven-roasted BBQ chicken & cheddar cheese

    115,00 kr.
    Smeared with sandwich cream. With oven baked BBQ Chicken and cheddar cheese. Sandwich cream spread.
  • Smagsløgets Mexicaner

    115,00 kr.
    Baked BBQ chicken, cheddar cheese, tortilla chips, jalapeños and Santa Maria salsa. Smeared with guacamole. Oven baked BBQ chicken, cheddar cheese, tortilla chips, Santa Maria salsa and jalapeños. Guacamole spread
  • Turkey & Emmentaler

    99,00 kr.
    With BBQ sauce and a bit of chili sauce. Smeared with sandwich cream. With sliced ​​turkey, emmentaler, BBQ sauce and a bit of chili sauce. Sandwich cream spread
  • Smagsløgets hit

    109,00 kr.
    Roast beef of beef thighs, Spanish manchego cheese and homemade salsa. Smeared with sandwich cream and red pesto. The smash hit! Roast beef, Spanish manchego cheese and homemade salsa. Sandwich cream and chili pesto spread.
  • Den stærke

    120,00 kr.
    With spicy Italian ventricina, Spanish manchego cheese, jalepenos, homemade salsa freshly chopped chili, chili pesto and chili sauce x The spicy one. Italian ventricina, Spanish manchego cheese, jalapenos, homemade salsa, fresh chili, sandwich cream and chili pesto spread xx With spicy Italian ventricina, Spanish manchego cheese, jalepenos, homemade salsa freshly chopped chili, chili pesto and the taste buds' homemade and spicy extra! xx The spicy one. Italian ventricina, Spanish manchego cheese, jalapenos, homemade salsa, fresh chili, sandwich creamchili pesto spread and Smagsløgets homemade and secret extra strong powder!
  • Spansk serrano ham

    120,00 kr.
    With Italian mozzarella and marinade. Smeared with sandwich cream and green pesto. With Spanish serrano ham, Italian mozzarella and Italian marinade. Sandwich cream and green pesto spread
  • Spansk chilichorizo

    99,00 kr.
    With fresh mozzarella, bacon and a bit of chili sauce. Smeared with sandwich cream. Spanish chili-chorizo, fresh mozzarella, bacon and a bit of chili sauce. Sandwich cream spread
  • Smagsløgets heldige kartoffel

    109,00 kr.
    Roast beef of beef tenderloin and raw fried potatoes. Greased with bearnaise. The 'lucky potato'! Roast beef and fried potatoes. Bearnaise sauce spread
  • Frikadullen

    109,00 kr.
    The taste buds' meatball sandwich. With freshly fried and nicely seasoned meatballs and red cabbage. Greased with remoulade. The taste buds' meatball sandwich! With meatballs and Danish red cabbage. Remoulade spread
  • Klassiske hit

    99,00 kr.
    With roast beef of beef tenderloin, roasted onions and pickled cucumbers. Greased with remoulade. The Classical Hit! Roast beef, crispy onions and pickled cucumber. Remoulade spread
  • Roast beef & cheddar cheese

    109,00 kr.
    With homemade salsa, jalapeños & BBQ sauce. Smeared with sandwich cream and chili pesto. With roast beef, cheddar cheese, salsa, jalapeños and BBQ sauce. Sandwich cream and chili pesto spread

Non-meat sandwiches

  • Smagsløgets vegetar

    115,00 kr.
    With green pesto, semi-dried tomatoes, cheddar cheese and fresh mozzarella. The Vegetarian of the taste buds! Green pesto, semi-dried tomatoes, cheddar cheese and fresh mozzarella
  • West Coast Veggie

    115,00 kr.
    With North Sea cheese and homemade salsa. Smeared with creme de bruschetta
  • Smagsløgets veganer

    109,00 kr.
    Falafel, grated carrot and beetroot, sugar snaps, semi-dried tomatoes, salsa, jalapeños and lots of salad and vegetables. Smeared with guacamole or hummus. Falafel, shredded carrots and beads, sugar snaps, semi-dried tomatoes, salsa, jalapeños and plenty of salad and vegetables. Buttered with guacamole or hummus.

Special sandwiches

  • Smagsløgets Prestige

    150,00 kr.
    With black-footed ham and truffle cheddar. This particular ham is considered to be one of the finest in the world. This sandwich is a 'must' for your taste buds. Smeared with sandwich cream. 'Jamon Iberico' ham and truffle cheddar. This ham is known to be the finest ham in the world; so this is simply a 'must' for your taste buds. Sandwich cream spread
  • Gourmet Salmon

    vanaf 125,00 kr.
    With the option of dill dressing, crayfish tail salad or Philadelphia creamcheese. Smeared with sandwich cream. Gourmet salmon with either dill dressing, shellfish salad or Philadelphia cream cheese. Sandwich cream spread
  • En smag af Italien

    125,00 kr.
    Italian Bresaola. Air dried for 3 months in the Italian Alps. A fantastic tender piece of meat with a slightly salty taste. Finished with Italian parmesan. Smeared with sandwich cream and chili pesto. Italian Bresaola. Air-dried for 3 months in the Italian Alps. An amazingly tender piece of meat with a slightly salted flavor. Completed by Italian Parmesan
  • Christmas Edition Roast Pork

    125,00 kr.
    Roast pork, browned potatoes, brown sauce with currant jelly and red cabbage. Spread with sandwich cream
  • Juleediton and

    139,00 kr.
    Andebryst, mors brunede kartofler, brun sovs med ribsgelé og rødkål fra Samsø. Smurt med sandwichcreme.

Side orders

  • Smagsløgets Hånddelle

    vanaf 20,00 kr.
    Warm and classic Danish homemade meatball
  • Smagsløgets Hånddelle x 2

    vanaf 35,00 kr.
    2 Warm and Classic Danish homemade meatballs
  • Danish pork roast (1 slice)

    vanaf 35,00 kr.
    1 slice with two scallops of homemade and lightly salted Danish roast pork of Danish pork with crispy scallops. Cucumber salad and red cabbage from Samsø as a possible option.
  • Danish pork roast (2 slices)

    vanaf 55,00 kr.
    2 slices of homemade and lightly salted Danish pork roast of Danish pork with crispy crust. Cucumber salad and red cabbage from Samsø as a possible option
  • Homemade BBQ chicken breast

    vanaf 25,00 kr.
    Homemade and lightly spiced chicken breast turned into BBQ marinade
  • 2x Homemade BBQ chicken breast

    vanaf 40,00 kr.
    Homemade and lightly spiced chicken breast turned into BBQ marinade
  • Cold potato salad with chives - Small

    30,00 kr.
    Taste onion Potato salad with salt, pepper, chives and a touch of mustard and lemon. (ca. 160 g.)
  • Cold potato salad with chives - Large

    45,00 kr.
    Taste onion Potato salad with salt, pepper, chives and a touch of mustard and lemon. (approx. 400g.)
  • Luxury Crab Tail Salad - Small

    49,00 kr.
    Homemade luxury crayfish tail salad from JK salads added to Smagsløget's secret ingredients. The salad is filled with good ingredients which help to ensure the high quality and good taste. It has a high content of meat-filled crayfish tails which go perfectly with the mild dressing. (about 200 g.)
  • Luxury Crab Tail Salad - Large

    89,00 kr.
    Hjemmelavet luksus krebsehalesalat fra JK salater tilsat Smagsløgets hemmelige ingredienser. Salaten er fyldt med gode råvarer som er med til at sikre den høje kvalitet og gode smag. Den har et højt indhold af kødfyldte krebsehaler som går perfekt sammen med den milde dressing. (cirka 400 g.)
  • Spicy guacamole (approx. 130 gr)

    30,00 kr.
    The taste buds' Spicy Guacamole made from 93% avocado with added jalapenos, red peppers, peppers, salt, lime juice, coriander leaves and black pepper. Approx. 130 gr.
  • Hummus (approx. 250 gr.)

    35,00 kr.
    Creamy Greek hummus. Made on chickpeas, salt, pepper and a touch of garlic. (approx. 250 grams.)

Ben & Jerry's icecream

  • Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough

    79,00 kr.
    Wild vanilla ice cream mixed with pieces of Chocolate and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
  • Ben & Jerry's Half Baked

    79,00 kr.
    Chocolate and vanilla ice cream with an ingenious blend of Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
  • Ben & Jerry's Caramel Chew Chew

    79,00 kr.
    Indescribably rich caramel ice cream with thick caramel sauce and stuffed with chocolate dipped caramel pieces
  • Ben & Jerry's Phish Food

    79,00 kr.
    Shockingly delicious chocolate ice cream stuffed with marshmallows, caramel sauce and chocolate fish
  • Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough S'wich Up

    79,00 kr.
    Vanilla ice cream with cocoa cookies and pieces of cookie dough with chocolate pieces
  • Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie

    79,00 kr.
    Creamy chocolate ice cream with a glory of chocolate brownie bites
  • Ben & Jerry's Peanutbuttercup

    79,00 kr.
    Ice cream with peanut butter and pieces of peanut butter

Business details

Smagsløget Vesterbrogade
Vesterbrogade 19
1620 København
Platform van de Europese Commissie voor online geschillenbeslechting:
Wij zijn een professionele handelaar. Ontdek meer over hoe wij en Just Eat samen onze verantwoordelijkheid richting de consument dragen.


vrijdag 24 januari 2025
vrijdag 06 december 2024
dinsdag 26 november 2024
Really good sandwich, sliced into two generous halves US-style
woensdag 06 november 2024
vrijdag 01 november 2024
Didn’t know a sandwich could be this good!


09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 22:00
09:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 23:00

Business details

Smagsløget Vesterbrogade
Vesterbrogade 19
1620 København
Platform van de Europese Commissie voor online geschillenbeslechting:
Wij zijn een professionele handelaar. Ontdek meer over hoe wij en Just Eat samen onze verantwoordelijkheid richting de consument dragen.